Objectives of the research group

General Objectives :
1 - Determination of comprehensive statistics on such deformities in the Western Region .
2 - Find the appropriate methods of treatment for sufferers .
3 - Understanding the concepts of standardized care and treatment of these deformities .

Specific Objectives :
1 - determine the prevalence of these deformities in the Makkah area
2 - To evaluate the craniofacial and dental characteristics of the affected individuals, including the two and three dimensional radiographic characteristics
3 –
To evaluate and to improve the oral health status of the affected patients, including oral hygiene assessment, caries level, gingival health and the properties of their saliva .

4 - To evaluate the genetic backgrounds of the affected individuals and their families .
- To evaluate the psychological status of the affected individuals and their families and to make recommendations to remedy them .
- To identify their speech problems and find the most appropriate methods of correcting their pronunciation and vocalization of letters and it compared with previous studies and the different relationship

7 - To evaluate the different methods orthodontic treatment, facial surgery and oral and maxillofacial functional and cosmetic rehabilitation and choose the most appropriate ones for this segment of patients .
8 - Application of methods of treatment using nanotechnology for the treatment of bone defects associated with the defects .
9 - Establishing an integrated way of these defects on the final results
10 -Use the results and recommendations of the suggested research to be an internationally recognized and the treatment of craniofacial deformities .

The suggested Research Group

1 - Head of Group : Dr . Ali Bin Habib Allah Akbar
Academic Rank : Associate Professor
Specialization : Orthodontics and treatment of congenital malformations and the biology of the mouth and the cell

the group include members from various parties, namely :

Last Update
6/22/2010 3:17:05 PM